Thursday, 14 April 2016

Dasagavya: Plant Growth Promoter

Plant Protection ProductsDASAGAVYA is a natural plant growth promoter for yields, which is made by blending certain plant extricates alongside panchagavya. The term gavya is given to cow’s items. Panchagavya contains dairy animals waste, cow pee, bovine's milk, curd and ghee, suitably blended to give gainful growth impacts on plants when sprayed on them. 

Panchagavya is the real element of Dasagavya. It is made at first by completely blending 7 kg of fresh cow dung with 1 kg of ghee in a perfect plastic drum. After two days, 10 liters of cow pee and 10 liters of water are included and the blend is kept for 15 days.

After 15 days, three liters of cow’s milk, two liters of curd, three liters of delicate coconut water, three kg of Jaggary and 12 well-ripened Poovan (Tamil) banana organic products are added to the blend and mixed well, as indicated by Prof. N. Selvaraj, Professor and Head, Horticultural Research Station at Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu.

Fermenting time

The blend is permitted to ferment for around 25 days, which empowers the growth and increase of certain useful microorganisms and parasites.

Foliar concentrates of weeds, for example, Lantana camara, Leucas aspera, Phytolacca octandra, Artemisia nilgirica and Datura metal are then absorbed in cow pee in the proportion 1:1 (1 kg chopped leaves in 1 liter cow pee) for ten days, as indicated.

These weeds are discovered affluently along the roadsides and have been observed to be impervious to diseases and pests, because of the vicinity of certain anti-feedant substances that avoid pests.

The plant concentrates are then separated, blended well and added to the panchagavya solution in the proportion of 1:5.
The blend accordingly got is called Dasagavya and can possibly promote growth, support Immunity in the plant framework to repulse pests and control diseases. The blend is mixed well regular for around 20 days to guarantee intensive blending of panchagavya and the plant removes.

Improves quality

Additionally, it has been found to improve the organic productivity of harvest plants and the quality of vegetables and foods," said Prof. Selvaraj.

The Dasagavya solution must be separated before splashing to avoid from stopping up of sprayer spouts. Around 3% Dasagavya solution is suggested as a foliar spray for splashing over the plants clarified Prof. Selvaraj. Soaking of seeds or dunking the roots of seedlings in 3% Dasagavya solution for around 30 minutes before planting is found to improve seed germination and root improvement in plants.

Spraying plan

Dasagavya might be splashed once consistently for all vegetable and plantation crops.

Splashing Dasagavya is successful in controlling infections, for example, leaf spot, curse, fine buildup, rust of vegetables and cut flower products and tea blister blight.

Dasagavya also controls pests, for example, aphids, thrips, white flies, bugs furthermore foliar caterpillars. Plants splashed with Dasagavya constantly created bigger sized leaves and created denser overhang with profuse rooting systems, which empowered higher admission of supplements and water. The taste and shelf life of realistic usability of the treated vegetables and fruits were additionally observed to be improved, said Prof. Selvaraj.

Cost of Production

The expense of production per liter of Dasagavya works out to Rs.40, which is less expensive contrasted and plant protection products and can be sold for up to Rs.90 per liter.

Little scale agriculturists and ladies self improvement gatherings can begin manufacturing Dasagavya as a business wander, as indicated by Prof. Selvaraj.

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