Wednesday 23 December 2015

Benefits of Water Removed Humic Acid for Agriculture

Humic acids have the small size and complex molecules that are shaped naturally from the microbial disintegration of organic stuff including decaying plant materials. These acids are constantly present in healthy and pure quality soil. In unhealthy and extremely low quality soils the organic cycle of humus development with degradation of plant roots, soil microorganisms and fungi gets aggravated, resulting in exhaustion of humic acids that are most vital for plant wellbeing, development and/or vitality. As soil in numerous farming lands is not always in best condition, adding humic acid to horticultural soil can get fast improvements in soil structure and restore it to its prior condition.

Water Extracted Humic Acid for Maximized Soil Health and Better Farm Yield

Humic acid items differ in quality and worth. They are acquired from organic wellsprings of variable quality accessible in the world. Numerous low quality sources contain humus that is rich in metals or need the usage of dangerous chemicals or warmth for extraction.

Plant Growth Promoter
The decision of immaculate refined water extraction technique can deliver humic acid with better purity and organic capacity while keeping up the required quality rules of WEFHAS standards. The water extracted humic acid is prepared in line with WEFHAS confirmation standards to give customers with better quality and naturally removed humic acid without the consideration of hard synthetic chemicals, harmful  materials or warmth.

Multiple Agricultural Benefits of Water Extracted Humic Acid
  • Acquires a help the productivity of chemicals applied on lands like composts, organic and Bio pesticide and herbicides and so on.
  • Stabilized chemical fertilizers in agricultural land.
  • Controls the PH of the horticultural soil to make the best conditions for plant's survival and plant growth.
  • Enhances soil's ability for Cation Exchange
  • Quickens helpful microbial movement
  • Discharges bound and immobilized soil supplements for plant use
  • Prevents conditions in soil that would end in overflow or volatilization
  • Makes poison materials inactive or change over them into helpful forms

SSCL (Suraj Shree Chemicals Ltd.) needs to convey all the above talked about advantages to farmers in all over the world at a low cost. It offers the best quality and very effective humic acid items for farming use. Make sure that the all products of humic acid are organic, naturally removed and have the best chemical buffering capacity.

In the event that you need to have no warmth or unsafe chemical treated humic acid items to improve your agricultural soil, request water removed humic acid at SSCL. It will convey immaculate and organically removed humic items with certification of bringing a support your soil quality and performance.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Best Plant Protection Products

Plant protection is the act of overseeing climate, weeds, pests and diseases that harm or stop the growth of vegetable, fruit and other agricultural crops. Perfect crop protection is necessary to create higher quality crops with minimum wastage. Plant protection products increase in productivity prompts less land, water and worker being required for food crops. With less land being utilized biodiversity is saved and less nursery gasses are thrown. It additionally verifies more food reaches the shops and markets in best condition, which holds the costs down. 

Plant Growth Promoter

If we were to stop utilizing a few of the more basic protection procedures with our vegetable and fruit crops, there would be significantly less choice in the food accessible to purchase on a local level. Worldwide yields would drop by approximately 33%. On which vegetables we have become habituated or have underestimated would just be promptly accessible in specific areas. They would be accessible at high costs and unreliable freshness and quality in others.

Simple Lamp Cloches for Plant Protection:

Moveable and reusable lamp shaped nursery cloches accessible in polythene, micromesh and cozen.

Develop Grid Weed Suppressing Barrier

Grow Grid Mats are produced using a semi porous weed control fabric with warmth sealed planting holes to grow a variety of crops. They help to warm the ground and keep weeds from developing around plants.

Butterfly and Bird Protection Netting

It is lightweight and strong mesh netting. It is a natural barrier and humane technique offering best bird and butterfly control.

Micromesh Pest and Wind Barrier

Fine mesh netting used to make a barrier around plants or segments of the garden. The mesh is sufficiently fine to keep out pests like the carrot fly, while as yet permitting in sunlight and water.

Agricultural Fleece

This garden fleece is a greenhouse cover that protects plants from cold temperature; it is light so it won't harm caring youthful plants.

Ringer Shaped Plastic Cloches

A pack of 3 ringer formed plastic garden cloches to give youthful plants additional protection against cold, wet or windy weather and pests. They are additionally ideal for over wintering crops.

Develop Your Own Ladybirds

It is another type of plant protection products. You have to begin a decent ladybird population in your greenery enclosure. These are one of the most valuable insects to have as they feed upon aphids (whitefly).

Pest Deterrents and Animal

Here we have a determination of electronic and non-electronic pest and animal deterrents for quick, protected and humane power of rats, mice, foxes, rabbits, deer, pigeons, family unit pets and more.

Copper Slug Barriers

Slugs and snails are a complete obstruction in the garden. There are numerous non dangerous strategies for slug control yet these are the most well-known and really work every time. Copper gives slugs an electric shock and they turn right around.

Plastic Tunnel Cloche

This is an expert style polytonal style cloche for vegetable plants. It is intended to fit over raised beds to give all the developing plants some additional protection and expand the developing season.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Plant Growth Promoters and Plant Protection Products

Bio-organic plant growth promoters are known as the latest trendy service provider in the agriculture industry. Through this handout, the readers are informed about the availability of best quality crop stimulator and the plant protection products. With a number of options to balance the nutrients in the field for cultivating the right crop on expected time, farmers now a days are moving ahead with such growth promotion options that are not only safe but also saves the production from any kind of harmful attack of micro-organisms.

Plant Protection Products
Plant Growth Promoter
It is time to move ahead. Farmers are facing problems in terms of unanticipated weather, high demand and less production problem. In such state, to deal with the scenario, quick growth is the need and when it comes to no compromise with the quality of the product, the best option chosen nowadays is organic and bio fertilizer that comes in the form of plant growth promoter. There are a number of companies that are engaged in development of such artificial promoters that promise production without compromises but unfortunately, very less are into a genuine business. Reputed company such as SSCL understand that the crop cultivated by farmers has direct effect on the health of people of people and thus it ensure that only the best quality is delivered that not only is safe for the consumers but also works for the betterment of soil and further production. ” Says a Spokesperson.

A number of varieties are available at Suraj Shree that works as plant protection products as well as promotes the growth of plants. A right balance of NPK nutrients is provided that helps in slow and gradually a fine growth of the plants. In this entire process, it is ensured that organic fertilizer also helps in soil quality promotion. With the help of options made available by this company, a promise is provided for soil improvement leading to the quality less chemical fertilizers in the future.

The Company’ Executive Further States: “In the recent times, there have been high calls for our three products that include Sanjivani, Humiplex, and Green Gold. The best part is old clients of SSCL are the source of our new clients. The satisfaction level and that too at an unbeatable price is what attracts its customers and has helped us to maintain a long relationship. The uncompromised quality that SSCL delivers with our plant growth promoter is the elementary factor for the reputation that it has maintained in respective market so far. ”

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Why Hydrogel Utility is Important for Indian Agriculture?

Indian agriculture has witnessed a huge amount of pressure both in terms of increasing its production output and adopting hazard prone steps in agriculture. In the sway of making India a self sufficient food producing nation, farmers adopted detrimental steps for environment. Use of chemical agricultural inputs undoubtedly helped in meeting the demand for short term goals but the inverse effect was soon felt with global agencies speaking about climatic change and natural resource depletion. The Global climatic change is however not just an outburst of wrong Indian agricultural practices but it is an offshoot of western developed nations introducing chemical methods in agriculture.

Green Gold
The concept of ‘Go Green’ is mainly targeted across the globe to safeguard our precious ‘Mother Nature’ from hazardous practices. Nature has already showed its outburst with frequent hurricane, tornado floods and volcanic eruptions across the world and time has finally come when serious efforts are required to adopt eco friendly steps to safeguard nature. Crop production limit is always accelerating due to rise in population pressure. What is alarming is the fact that, soil loses its essential nutrient with each batch of agriculture produce and to supplement the lost nutrient, eco friendly fertilizers such as bio and organic fertilizer and moisture gel should be applied. This would help in the effective agricultural production and not turn out highly fatal for the environment posing serious hazards.

Agriculture and food production consume maximum amount of water. Studies show that around 70% of water is consumed in the process of agriculture. Hence utility of Hydrogel, basically water retaining gel in agriculture soon gained momentum. Let us put light on the importance of this gel for water conservation in Indian agriculture-
  1. For both drought prone and non drought prone areas, use of this gel helps increase water-holding capacity of the soil
  2. It helps in increasing water use efficiency and minimizes leaching of plant roots
  3. Helps in increasing soil permeability and infiltration rates
  4. Helps in reducing irrigation frequency, fertilizer leaching, soil erosion, water run offs and soil compact tendency
  5. Help in minimizing water stress of plants and increase growth performance of plant
  6. Cross linked polyacrylamide hydrogel are potential carrier for insecticides, fungicides and herbicides.

How may you receive effective water retaining moisture gel for agriculture?

Organo Gel
Reputed Indian agro based company Suraj Shree Chemicals Ltd (SSCL) is a pioneering source for farmers to receive organic zyme known as Organo Gel, organic pesticide, organic fertilizers and organic sanitation products. This company will not just deliver Organo Gel but help in suggesting which variant of gel is required for a particular crop.

Monday 12 October 2015

Vitalize Plant Growth with Utility of Organic Humic Acid

Plant Growth PromoterHumic Acid is an organic substance that conditions the soil naturally. This organic acid was found abundant in the soil and water systems. But with the practice of modern agriculture methods, its percentage has fast depleted the soil. Because of such reason, it is important to add humic substance in the organic agriculture. Once humic substances are added in the form of tons, compost or pounds, it stimulates microbes and food for worms. Conventional farming makes use of humic acid in the very preliminary stage.

For sustainable and organic agriculture, usage of organic acid substance plays a pivotal role. It is this natural substance which helps in the holistic system and soil and plant growth promoter naturally. It is with addition of this substance that the health of soil and plant gets promoted naturally. These substances gets naturally derived they help agriculture in overall aspect as they help in achieving both sustainability and bioremediation. Polluted soil and water has to undergo bioremediation to reclaim its lost quality. But what percentage of humic substance is to be used depends on technical data sheet which only agricultural experts can explain a farmer or agriculture department.

One such company which has been helping farmers over the years in India is Delhi based company Suraj Shree Chemicals Ltd. (SSCL). They are a pioneering company as they offer valuable solutions with customized fertilizer, organic input, animal & poultry feed and organic pesticide. The company was established in the year 1975 and over the years, it has been playing a pivotal role in minimizing usage of chemical fertilizers and promoting usage of organic substances. For established and well researched solutions like Humic Acid application and customized agricultural products, contact the company and obtain expert solutions.

SSCL ensures all customers receive complete assisted agriculture solutions helping crop productivity sufficient and not strangulating nature to gain it. The company envisions quality measures and good manufacturing practices. Its products are recommended in POP of corporate entities, NGOs and FPO for a range of crops and plantations. The company is a recognized name for effective water conservation, weed management and offering cost effective certified organic solutions.

Products the Company assists with solutions
  1. Organic Fertilizer
  2. Animal Feed Section
  3. Grain and Cereals
  4. Disinfectant and Sanitation
The company and its products and solutions comply with individual crop, area and climate. They value nature and therefore extend hand for farmer education activity helping them differentiate between good and bad practices.

Friday 25 September 2015

What is Humic Acid?

Plant Growth Promoter
Humic acids are a completely 100% organic and natural approach to provide plants and soil with a concentrated dosage of important nutrients, vitamins and trace components. The best wellspring of humic acid is gotten from mid western sedimentation layers called Leonardite. Humic acid is not fertilizers. They work as a bio-stimulant for the plant. 

Humic acids improve growth of plants by plant growth promoter especially biomass creation and fertility of the soil. As humic acids are totally decomposed, they don't go into nutritional competition with plants for nutrients, for example, for nitrogen. Current experimental studies demonstrate that the fertility of soil is determined to a huge extent by the substance of humic substance in matrix. Their capacity of high cation-exchange(movement of particles over the root), oxygen content and in addition high water holding limit are yet some reasons behind utilizing humic acids in the improvement of soil fertility and plant growth.

Advantages of Humic Acids:

The most imperative components of humic acids lie in their capacity to:
  • Bind accessible insoluble metal particles, oxides and hydroxides, gradually discharging them to roots. 
  • Prevent water and nutrient misfortunes in light, sandy soils.
  • Increase air circulation and water invasion in dirt soils.
  • Stimulate fine root mass improvement quickly setting up new plantings.
  • Humic acids are rich in both natural and mineral substances key to plant growth.
  • When Humic Acids enter plants at early stages of evolution, they bring about expanded cell division and root improvement rushing foundation. Likewise, humic acids work as a natural chelator by upgrading the accessibility of iron hence expanded photosynthesis and sugar generation interpreting into expanded storage for defense.

Applications of Humic Acid
  • Soil - Mix the dry powder with water at 90ml of powder (6 Tbsp or a liberal 1/3 container) per liter of water to make a liquid humic acid solution. For direct applications of soil, apply 45-90 ml (3-6 Tbsp) to make this solution per 1000 sq ft by blending with enough water to cover the region, around a gallon for 90 ml. For the best results, apply at planting or preceding germination and inundate after. Applications may be made each 6-8 weeks amid the growing season.
  • Foliar - Mix the dry powder with water at 90ml of powder (6 Tbsp or a liberal 1/3 glass) per liter of water to make a fluid humic acid arrangement. Blend this arrangement with 50 sections water (20ml or 4 tsp per 1 liter of water) and splash on plant foliage until the leaves are completely wet. At this weakening, one liter covers somewhere in the range of 2000 sq ft. Try not to utilize more - this stuff goes far.
  • Fertilizer Tea - Add 15 ml (1 Tbsp) of dry humic acid powder into your 5 gallon brewer at the beginning of the brew.